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Meet The Pug Breed


aka: The Clown

Silver Fawn Pug
Black Pug

Pugs are like Pringles. You can't have just one!!! 

Pugs have a heart and kindness like no other.  They are known to be loyal, loving, and affectionate, and they thrive on human companionship. They have a dignified look and are intelligent and eager to please.  They can easily be trained to do tricks or obey commands. Pugs are generally good with children and other pets. They are not overly active, needing only moderate amounts of exercise, making them ideal go-with-the-flow pets.  They take your lead on how active or how mellow to be.  Their most significant requirement is that you love them back!

Acceptable Breed Color Standards: Fawn Pug and Black Pug (Fawn can be silver or apricot as well as the normal mid tone fawn.)

Pug Standards Body
Pug Face Standards

Origin: China 

Breed Purpose: Guarding the alters in temples. Companion. 

Kennel Club Dog Group: Toy 

Weight: 13-18 pounds (20 pounds is common) 

Height: 10-14 inches 

Lifespan: 12-15 years 

The Best Thing About Owning a Pug -

They love to cuddle and shadow people. They don't mind hugs and tugs of kids and are sturdy enough for kids to love on them. They love laps and to lay touch you and keep you warm in the winter.  They love to entertain and figure out how to get your attention so you will never be bored!  They seem to act silly purposely to get you to laugh. They have a child like way about them. 

Pug Shedding -

Pugs shed like crazy giving them salmon oil and vitamin E drastically reduces this shedding though. It also reduces human allergy symptoms to the pup. 


Common Pug Aliments -

The Pug can suffer from respiratory problems. They tend to wheeze and can even "honk" if they exert themselves too much. They often snore when sleeping so be ready to have a snoring sleep partner!  They are susceptible to heatstroke; they catch colds easily and they are very sensitive to hot or cold temperatures. Keratitis (eye inflammation) can be a common problem and they can easily get ulcers in the eyes from simply scratches.  Luxating petellas (knees) are a common issue for pugs as well as any other small dogs. Some pugs suffer from seasonal allergies and may benefit from daily  allergy meds. As puppies many pugs have umbilical hernia which is usually repaired during spay or neuter surgery. Umbilical Hernia can sometimes close on its own as the pup grows up to around 6 months old.  If it has not by then it is usually surgically repaired during spay and neuter.  It is rarely a health issue to just leave it should you wish to not repair it.

Things to Consider Before Getting a Pug -

If you wish to live with a pug, you should be prepared for the fact that they are little shadows, often underfoot, following you from room to room! This is a breed that thinks he has to be your buddy 24/7 and assist you walk down the steps.  They suspect you are leaving forever when you shut the bathroom door and will wait outside until you emerge. They are silly entertainers and want to please but are not always quick to understand what you want from them. They are persistent, stubborn, willful, and clever though so never doubt their intelligence! They shed a ton despite their short coats. They love kids and other animals and crave constant companionship. Some of the distinctive features of a pug cause the breed to be more susceptible to illness and injury than other breeds. They are susceptible to catching colds easier, have allergy issues often, their eyes are easily wounded, and are prone to skin conditions. Pugs are prone to getting food stuck above their soft palate and "honk" while eating or drinking too fast. Most importantly, a short snout means that the pug has a harder time cooling themselves than other breeds because they can't evaporate as much moisture off their tongues. They love to play but can't go for long runs oThings to Consider When Considering a Pug: If you wish to live with a pug, you should be prepared for the fact that they are often underfoot, following you from room to room. This is one of those dogs that thinks he has to help you walk down the steps and suspects you are leaving forever when you shut the bathroom door. They are clowns and want to please but are not always quick to understand what you want from them. They are persistent, stubborn, willful, and clever. They shed a lot despite there short coats. They love kids and other animals and need constant companionship. Some of the distinctive features of a pug cause the breed to be more susceptible to illness and injury than other breeds. They are susceptible to catching colds easier, have allergy issues often, their eyes are easily wounded, and are prone to skin conditions. Pugs are prone to getting food stuck above their soft palate and "honk" while eating or drinking to fast. Most importantly, a short snout means that the pug has a hard time cooling themselves because they can't evaporate as much moisture off there tongues. They love to play but can't go for long runs or stay out in the sun or snow. They are very temperature sensitive. They make great apartment dogs but still need exercise. In fact in my opinion many pugs are full of crazy puppy energy for many years and need a good romp every day so they can be calmer indoors and not as easily excited. Pugs are very active dogs but can only exercise in short burst of around 20 minutes at a time or a nice 45 minutes leisure walk. Pugs should be in a home where there is someone home most the time as they absolutely crave and are intensely needy for affection or they get very bored / sad and can become destructive if no one is around. If you have the time and want a dog that loves you like know one else then a pug is for you!r stay out to long in the sun or snow. They are very temperature sensitive. They make great apartment dogs but still need exercise. In fact, in my opinion many pugs are full of crazy puppy energy for around 3 years or so and need a good romp every day so they can be calmer and less excited. Pugs love activity but can only exercise in short burst of around 20 minutes at a time or a nice 45-minute leisure walk. Pugs should be in a home where there is someone home most the time as they absolutely crave and have a need for affection or they get very bored / sad and can become destructive if no one is around. If you have the time and want a dog that loves you like no one else then a pug is for you!

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